Download Our 3D Real Time Viewer
for Displaying Vehicle Motion Paths

This 3D real time viewer has been written to view vehicle motion paths produced by our ANALYSE program, and is offered here as a free download.

For operation, it requires a computer fitted with a hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card. While the program can be run using software OpenGL support (as provided with Windows 95 OSR2 and 98) the display performance is so slow as to make operation impractical. Faster computers will give better replay performance. Supported cards include the nVidia TNT, TNT2 and GeForce range, FireGL display cards and a number of others.
3D Viewer Screen

The following files are currently available for download.

Instructions on program installation and operation


The Viewer application (5.9 Mb file - Current Version 1.20)

3D Viewer

Scene and motion data for a lap of Winton Racetrack (119 Kb file)

Winton Demo


To run the motion you are provided with a row of video recorder type control buttons. The green arrow icon starts the motion. The red square icon stops the motion. The blue arrow icons to either side move forward or backward by a single frame. The blue barred arrow icons move to the beginning or end of the motion path.

If support for a sound card is available on your computer the Viewer will play sound, varying in frequency according to the vehicle speed. The sound replay can be turned on or off by the control buttons on the button bar.

You can change your viewpoint of the vehicle dynamically at any time, either when the motion is playing or while it is stopped. The viewpoint is controlled by the Mouse.

A Porsche 928, open wheel racing car and a rectangular box are provided with the Viewer, together with a scene comprising a ground plane with a reference grid on it.
3D Viewer Screen
3D Viewer Startup Screen

This 3D Viewer is provided as a free software application, intended to promote our ANALYSE motion path analysis software. We take no responsibility for the program's operation on your computer system, or how you may use the program.

Although we are always interested in receiving feedback as to how this software is used, and how it performs, we do not offer any technical support for the application.

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